Anchovies are reportedly raining from the sky across San Francisco 
By Sam Moore US Source: sfgate 6/28/2022
Sam Moore
Credit: Jessica Christian/The Chronicle
Fish are falling from the sky in parts of San Francisco, and a boom in coastal anchovy populations is to blame.

Reddit user sanfrannie posted earlier this month that about a dozen 8-inch silver fish “rained down from the sky” onto their friend’s roof and back deck in the Outer Richmond. Several other users commented with similar experiences — one person said they “heard a whoosh sound behind me and heard a massive splat” before seeing fish scattered on a nearby driveway.

Another commented that they “almost got hit by a fish waiting for a bus” in the Castro, and a third person said they assumed “a band of roving kids were doing a Tik Tok sardine-throwing challenge on a roof somewhere” after seeing several fish fall onto an Outer Richmond sidewalk.
