Bangkok aquarium shop hires bikini-clad women in fish tanks for grand opening 
By Danial Martinus TH Source: mashable 7/22/2022
Danial Martinus
TW/DISCLAIMER: Mashable Southeast Asia does not condone the use of sexual objectification for promotional or advertising gain, nor the use of animals as mere 'accessories' or 'pieces of art' in any setting whatsoever.

When it comes to grand openings, businesses of all kinds will go to great lengths to garner as much attention as they can. Some throw huge parties, while others hold enticing giveaways to encourage potential customers to spend their money there in the future.

But of course, every business strives to be as unique as possible, in hopes of getting the attention of people who may not necessarily be their target demographic – leading to increased sales.

An aquarium shop in Bangkok, Thailand has done just that with the use of bikini models taking a dip in their fish tanks, along with live exotic fish.
