Young Tanzanians use organic waste to produce fish feed 
CH Source: china 4/22/2022

Six young aquatic and fisheries science graduates from Tanzania's leading state-run university have joined hands to save fish farmers from the headache of finding suitable fish feeds.

"By transforming organic waste from food, rotten vegetables and fruits using black soldier fly to produce larvae that can be used as protein ingredients for fish feed is like killing two birds with one stone," said 25-year-old Arnold Shoko, a co-founder of Samaki Farms.

"We offer ingredients to fish farmers at the same time we are conserving the environment," he said.

Samaki Farms is an initiative founded in July 2021 by the six Bachelor of Science Degree graduates in aquatic sciences and fisheries technology at the School of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology of University of Dar es salaam (UDSM). They are aged between 23 and 25.
