Japan auctions enormous 212Kg Bluefin Tuna 
JP Source: albawaba 1/5/2023
Japan auctions enormous 212Kg Bluefin Tuna
Credit: Richard A. Brooks / AFP
ALBAWABA - Tuna in Japan is one of the most asked-for dishes. 

In one of its fish markets, Japan auctioned one massive 212 kilogram fish for tens of thousands of dollars.

Japan's biggest fish market ushered in 2023 with its annual New Year tuna auction. A 212-kilogram bluefin tuna was sold to the highest bidder for 36.04 million yen ($272,066) at Toyosu Market, which was more than double the price of last year's highest bid.#tuna#Japan #豊洲 pic.twitter.com/wUp2RgHQAf
— Our World (@MeetOurWorld) January 5, 2023

The top-selling tuna at Tokyo's traditional New Year auction sold at more than $270,000 on Thursday, nearly double last year's price, breaking a pandemic trend of slumping demand, according to AFP.

Japan tuna price soars past $270,000 at New Year auction https://t.co/wkA8aNxY0q prin @RFI_En
— Eduard Antoniu (@Editwit) January 5, 2023

The sale is making electronic headways, disseminating the news around the world under different different hashtags, including (#tuna #Japan #豊洲).

Japan tuna price soars past $270,000 at New Year auction #jakpostlife https://t.co/su6W7U529I
— Jakpost Life (@JakpostLife) January 5, 2023

Atlantic bluefin tuna Continue...