Satellite-Linked Tag Improves Long-Term Whale Tracking 
By Cabe Atwell US Source: hackster 12/13/2022
Cabe Atwell
Credit: Ladd Irvine / Marine Mammal Institute
Whales around the world have a higher risk of being hit by a ship due to increased shipping traffic. Oregon State University researchers developed a satellite tag for improved crucial habitat identification and tracking of a whale's behavior, like feeding while diving. The advancement also helps to understand their response to human activity, such as a passing ship or military sonar.

"One of the benefits of these new tags is that they give us information about how much time whales are spending within the danger zone throughout their migration," said Daniel Palacios, associate professor in whale habitats at OSU's Marine Mammal Institute "With that information, we can identify areas of higher risk and make more informed decisions to help protect them from the threat of ship strikes."
