Sabah determined to stop fish bombing, takes stern action on offenders 
By Olivia Miwil MY Source: nst 2/17/2023
Olivia Miwil
Credit: NSTP/Lano Lan.
Sabah government is determined to put a stop to the harmful fish bombing, said Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan.

"We want fish bombing to be stopped, that is the policy of state government.

"We will take serious action against those who are still using fish bomb as their way to fish.

"I have no idea (why they still carry out the illegal activity) probably it is because it is the easiest for them to catch fish.

"It has to be stopped; among the measures is to educate them and (take) legal action to arrest those involved," he told reporters after witnessing the signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ceremony between Sabah Fisheries department and Petronas.

Last year, New Straits Times has reported the rampant fish bombing incidents in Semporna.
