Commercial fishing vessel runs aground on Ponte Vedra Beach 
By Carianne Luter US Source: news4jax 6/15/2022
Carianne Luter
It’s not a great day for this commercial fishing vessel...

A boat ran aground near South Ponte Vedra Blvd in St. Johns County on Wednesday.

There is no word on what caused it to become lodged on the shore.

Onlookers said there was a “fishy smell” in the area.

The rip currents risk was “moderate” on Wednesday. We are working to learn more information.

. The shrimp boat is owned by a man who is battling multi myeloma and unable to do anything physically or financially unfortunately. His son took the boat out with one of his friends without his dad's permission and as you can see recklessly beached the boat. It's so sad cause my mom takes care of her husband the best she can while only being able to work herself a few days a week just so they can survive financially. He has been battling this for over a year and and it's just getting worse with new medical issues arising, we hope he makes it another year. All of us family has been trying to help my mom & step dad just with the everyday Financials and care for him but unfortunately we do not know anyone with a boat strong enough to get it back into the water and it cost is too high for a professional business to do it. Please everyone be patient & say a prayer as we try to figure this out. This boat also was the little bit of xtra income they had to live and as you can see it was taken away by a selfish son who obviously doesn't care about his dad. If anyone has a positive suggestion we are open to hear it.
