Chinese researchers identify gene that makes algae an ideal aquaculture and biofuel candidate 
CN Source: The Fish Site 12/21/2022
Chinese researchers identify gene that makes algae an ideal aquaculture and biofuel candidate
Credit: Bozena Zakrys
The diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum already enjoys use in China’s aquaculture sector but faces contamination threats from zooplankton – but researchers have identified a novel gene that could allow the algae to prevent contamination and boost its nutritional content.

Researchers with the Institute of Oceanology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) have found a gene that could enhance P. tricornutum’s status in the aquaculture industry and boost its utility as a biofuel. Though the diatom shows great potential for both sectors, producers cannot cultivate it at a large scale because it can be easily contaminated by algivorous zooplankton. Researchers have been using genetic techniques to overcome this challenge.
