How do you make sure the fish you’re eating is sustainable? Small fisheries are a good place to start 
By Signe Langford US Source: the Star 6/9/2022
Signe Langford
We live in a time when feeding our ever-growing population is driving countless aquatic species to the brink of extinction, and knowing what to bring home for dinner has never been so fraught and confusing, especially at the fish counter.

Does it mean fish should be off the menu entirely? That’s a tough one, and it’s complex, but the good news is, the answer is no.

Beyond jellyfish and urchins – and yes, we should eat more of those! – there are still plenty of fish left in the sea (and lakes) that can be harvested carefully and with good oversight, allowing healthy breeding populations to stay that way, and without causing collateral damage to other species or the aquatic environment. The trouble is, while it is possible, only a dedicated few are doing it, and they are worth looking for and supporting.

Perch, Yellow Perch, White Continue...