Bring back the burbot! 
UK Source: Daily Mail 5/13/2022
Bring back the burbot!
Credit: Alarmy Stock Photo
A fish not seen in British rivers since 1969 is set to be reintroduced.

The burbot is the world’s only freshwater cod species and once thrived in eastern England. It is thought to have died out due to farm pollution.

The Norfolk Rivers Trust hopes to reintroduce the bottom-dwelling fish – which can be eaten – to the River Wissey and Great Ouse catchment in two to three years using European stocks.

It will be the latest vanished species to be ‘rewilded’ to the UK, following in the wake of the release of beavers and white tailed eagles.

It was once so common that a records show it was used to feed pigs, burbots eat smaller fish such as minnows and bullheads.

The fish became extinct in the UK as rivers became straightened, depriving them of their habitat in the shallows and bends, as well as chemical pollution.

A possible bonus of reintroduction is that they also eat crayfish - so may help control the invasive signal crayfish which is taking hold in parts of the UK.

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