University looks to algal biofloc to unlock the potential of aquaponics 
US Source: The Fish Site 8/22/2022
University looks to algal biofloc to unlock the potential of aquaponics
Credit: Bill McGraw
It looks like a natural fit: a sustainable system that produces fresh vegetables and fish located in food deserts with marginalised populations.

And, while there has been an explosion in the interest surrounding such an arrangement, there are significant technological and social barriers hindering its adoption.

Overcoming these barriers is the goal of a research project being conducted at Auburn University and led by Brendan Higgins, assistant professor in the College of Agriculture Department of Biosystems Engineering.
“At its best, aquaponics allows local people to produce their own fresh fish and produce in a sustainable manner: The wastewater from the fish is used to provide water and fertiliser to the plants,” Higgins said. “However, the development of this fusion of aquaculture with hydroponic vegetable production in food deserts doesn’t come without barriers.”

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