One of world's most venomous fish invade Russian waters 
RU Source: pravda 8/21/2012
One of world's most venomous fish invade Russian waters
Not that long ago, sharks invaded the coastal waters of Russia's Primorye region in the Far East. Now it is puffer fish that terrify local residents. One such fish is enough to kill 40 people. In addition, biologists expect venomous jellyfish to invade the waters of the region soon. It turns out that it is the warm waters of the region that attract exotic marine creatures.

A recent mission conducted by specialists of TINRO Center showed that squid, saury fish and dog-fish, aka puffer fish, inhabit the open part of the Sea of ​​Japan. Now puffer fish can be found in large quantities in the waters from the Gulf of Peter the Great to Moneron Island off the southwest coast of Sakhalin Island, RIA PrimaMedia reports.
