Terrestrial farmers join bid to revive BC salmon sector 
CA Source: thefishsite 5/5/2023
Terrestrial farmers join bid to revive BC salmon sector
Credit: Bernadette Jordan © BCSFA
National agricultural and food associations across Canada have joined their salmon farming counterparts in calling for the federal government to support BC salmon farmers as an integral and growing part of Canadian food production.

In a letter signed by several agricultural organisations as well as the Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA), they argue that: “Salmon farming touches all aspects of Canadian farming and food production, including food retail and service, food banks, food processors, feed manufacturers, and grain growers. Over 3,000 distinct companies supply the salmon farming sector and its economic activity supports the critical infrastructure of many coastal, Indigenous, rural and urban communities. Canadian salmon feed companies purchase close to $150 million annually from Canadian grain and protein suppliers, supporting a circular economy with the potential for significant value-add growth.”
