Amateur fisher claims trawler rammed their boat near fish farm but operator gives conflicting version 
By Matthew Agius MT Source: maltatoday 8/3/2021
Matthew Agius
An amateur fisher out on his first recreational fishing trip has claimed to have been rammed by a trawler belonging to Azzopardi Fisheries.

In a Facebook post, Aleandro Spiteri Monsigneur, a member of renowned local band Red Electrick, said he had been fishing with his friend on a 16-foot boat roughly 10km off the coast, close to a series of fish farms owned by Azzopardi Fisheries.

The incident happened last month and police confirmed the case is being investigated after a report was filed.

However, Azzopardi Fisheries owner Charles Azzopardi denied the pleasure craft was rammed and insisted it capsized because it was caught in the wake of the fishing trawler.

Azzopardi told MaltaToday the small vessel was tied to his company’s fish cages, which is a restricted area by Transport Malta regulations.
