How this fish can stay alive in mud for months without water 
IN Source: timesofindia 6/10/2024
How this fish can stay alive in mud for months without water
Credit: Canva
"The suckermouth catfish, or pleco, showcases extraordinary survival by enduring months in dried mud without water. Equipped with specialized breathing organs, it enters dormancy, akin to hibernation, until rain rehydrates its environment. This adaptation, also seen in the African lungfish, reflects the species' resilience and invasive success. While biologically fascinating, it prompts concerns about its impact on native ecosystems amid changing environmental conditions."

"The natural world is full of extraordinary creatures, each with unique abilities that allow them to adapt to their environment. Among these is a species that has captivated scientists and nature enthusiasts alike with its remarkable survival technique. The suckermouth catfish, a dweller of tropical freshwater environments, is known for its resilience and adaptability, particularly its ability to survive in conditions that would be inhospitable to other fish."

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