Tranquility Found on the Banks of the Moyeha River 
By Adrian South CA Source: souwestersportfishing 12/1/2015
Adrian South
It’s early summer in Victoria and it’s that time when everyone is looking to brush off the damp cobwebs of the Vancouver Island winter and get back to exploring the world class wilderness playgrounds that are literally at our front doors.

As is the tradition with our group of die hard fishermen (and of course fish story masters and pathological liars) the phone calls started up between all of us to see who was in for a spring fishing trip, and who was too busy. For the five or six of us who are on “the list”, responses can vary from enthusiastic gungho’s and “when do we leave” to the “aw man I wish I could but work is just mental right now”, and even sometimes the “wish I could but I just can’t justify more time away from the family”.

Moyeha River Salmon, Coho Steelhead Trout Trout, Cutthroat Continue...