British Teenager Catches Behemoth 96-Pound Wels Catfish 
By Ashley Stimpson UK Source: fieldandstream 9/24/2021
Ashley Stimpson
Hannah Truscott, a teenager from Derbyshire, England, almost didn’t go fishing on Friday, August 13, because the date made her worried about bad luck. Thankfully, she didn’t stay home. Instead, she caught a 96-pound catfish that was longer than she is tall. Hannah and her father, Paul, had driven 100 miles that day to try their luck on the White Lakes, a private area in Essex County in southeast England. Within minutes, the teenager reeled in a wels catfish that tipped the scales at 96.4 pounds. Hannah was using a European-style carp fishing rig called a “withy pool rig” with a bait called “Marine Halibut Pellets.”

The catfish was so massive that both Hannah and Paul had to hold it in order to get a photo. Afterward, Hannah released the fish—her personal best by 25 pounds—and continued fishing. She hauled in five more catfish that day, bringing her total for the outing to 400 pounds. Paul said he and Hannah have been fishing at that lake since his daughter was 6 years old when he first taught her how to fish.
