JAWS OF HELL Terrifying alien-like beast with extending jaw that impales its prey freaks out Reddit 
By Adriana Elgueta AU Source: the-sun 11/4/2021
Adriana Elgueta
JAWS OF HELL Terrifying alien-like beast with extending jaw that impales its prey freaks out Reddit.

The caption of the Reddit photo read: "Viper dogfish, a deep sea shark from the pacific ocean. These jaws sure are metal."

Users were shocked and in awe of the alien-like deep sea creature.

One Reddit user said: "My new favorite ocean dweller? Maybe, that this is awesome. Mix of fish, snake, and xenomorph."

Another said: "Looks like a small version of a goblin shark. They have the same protrusible jaws, both are wacky looking."

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