Grotesque fish caught off Australia ignites debate. ‘Put it back in its space ship’ 
By Mark Price US Source: sacbee 7/15/2022
Mark Price
Credit: Facebook
It’s tough to stump professional anglers with a fish, but a charter boat captain admits being perplexed by something caught in deep waters off southeast Australia. A photo shows his catch had bulging green eyes, black saw-like teeth, and flesh that appeared to have been roasted over an open fire. It came up with a bait fish hanging out of its mouth, too. Jason Moyce — known as “Trapman Bermagui” on social media — turned to social media for help identifying the fish.


“I’m pretty sure this is a blobfish?” Moyce wrote June 27 on Facebook. “Caught in deep water, east off Bermagui. Probably the ugliest fish I’ve ever seen. ... Much more ugly in the flesh.” The fish does (sort of) resemble the blobfish, which have a fleshy color, “globular head and ‘floppy’ skin,” according to the Australian Museum.
