COVID-19 has Nova Scotia fishing industry reeling 
By Paul Withers CA Source: CBC News 3/25/2020
Paul Withers
Nova Scotia's provincial government has amended a sweeping emergency order to explicitly exempt fishing vessels from a ban on gatherings of five people or more.

The move addressed a seafood industry concern about the government's response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Nova Scotia declared a state of emergency on Sunday and issued orders meant to curb the outbreak.

Fish plants were among essential services exempted, but the order was silent on fishing vessels where social distancing is not possible.

The ambiguity was a source of confusion for companies with larger vessels at sea or tied up at the wharf ready to sail.

"We are trying our best to comply with the public health directives, the only one we're clearly unable to meet and are awaiting additional guidance on is the social distancing aboard fishing vessels," Alain d'Entremont, CEO of Scotia Harvest, told CBC News in an email before the order was amended.

"I've been in repeated contact with the labour board, MLAs and the provincial department of fisheries for additional guidance."
Clarity for essential services

Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil promised clarity for essential service businesses.

"We will have a comprehensive tool posted very soon for companies to look at, just be patient," McNeil said.
