Snapper, tarakihi and ... koi carp? Pest fish for sale alongside NZ favourites 
By Stephen Ward NZ Source: stuff 2/21/2022
Stephen Ward
Credit: Matt Bowen/Stuff
At $6.99 a kilogram, it's a steal compared to its more desirable sea-sourced cousins.

But the koi carp pictured at Pak’n Save in Hamilton has sparked concerns about what’s going on with sales of the invasive pest for human consumption in Waikato.

Regional councillor Stu Husband is concerned supermarket sales could create incentives to “farm” koi, contributing further to the spread of a species which is blamed for degrading waterways across the region.

Furthermore, former league star Tawera Nikau, now chair of a Tainui marae collective working to eradicate koi, has tikanga-based concerns about sales for human consumption.

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