Synergistic innovations enabled the radiation of anglerfishes in the deep open ocean 
By Chase D. Brownstein, Katerina L. Zapfe,Spencer Lott,Ava Ghezelayagh,Alex Dornburg, Thomas J. Near, US Source: cell 5/23/2024
Chase D. Brownstein, Katerina L. Zapfe,Spencer Lott,Ava Ghezelayagh,Alex Dornburg,   Thomas J. Near,
Resolution of anglerfish phylogeny

Anglerfishes radiated into the midnight zone during an ancient climate crisis

Complex assembly of anglerfish sexual parasitism

Complex innovations sculpted the ecological transition of bathypelagic anglerfishes

Major ecological transitions are thought to fuel diversification, but whether they are contingent on the evolution of certain traits called key innovations1
is unclear. Key innovations are routinely invoked to explain how lineages rapidly exploit new ecological opportunities.
