Why expert predicts mass fish kills will increase across Australia 
By Raffaella Ciccarelli AU Source: 9news 8/18/2022
Raffaella Ciccarelli
Credit: NBN
The sight of lifeless silvery fish will become more common, according to one marine biologist who believes La Nina will exacerbate mass fish kills in Australia.
The dire prediction comes as the Bureau of Metrology (BoM) upgraded the likelihood of another La Nina occurring to 70 per cent; this would be the third back-to-back wet weather event.

The warning also comes after "thousands" of dead fish were found washed up on the the shore of NSW's Lake Macquarie on the central coast last weekend.
According to Dr Leonardo Guida, a shark scientist and conservationist at the Australian Marine Conservation Society, scenes like the photo above will become more common.
