Stress test: why hormones could be behind rising infections in farmed salmon 
NO Source: The Fish Site 12/7/2022
Stress test: why hormones could be behind rising infections in farmed salmon
Credit: Snorre Gulla
Salmon aquaculture is a crucial industry in Norway, so it’s alarming that instances of bacterial diseases are increasing on farm sites. To help explain why, the country’s top veterinary research centre is turning to Mark Lyte, a professor of veterinary microbiology and preventive medicine at Iowa State University. His theory? The salmon are stressed out.

New stress for salmon

Norwegian salmon farmers once heavily used antibiotics and other medicines. But their disease control efforts now rely largely on vaccines and physically delousing the fish, a handling practice that has become more common in recent years as sea lice have become resistant to chemical treatments. Physical delousing methods include brushing lice off the scales of salmon and exposing the cold-water fish to warm water.

Salmon, Atlantic Continue...