$70K Available in Grants to Protect, Restore Waterways 
US Source: Associated Press 1/30/2022

A total of $70,000 in grants is available to Vermont projects that protect, restore and improve the state's waterways, the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department said.

Municipalities, local and regional government agencies, sporting clubs, nonprofit organizations, and water-related citizens groups can apply no later than Feb. 11 for grants available in three categories, the department said. Projects aimed at protecting or restoring fish and aquatic wildlife habitat are strongly encouraged, the department said.

The categories are education and outreach with maximum grant per project of $5,000; planning, assessment, inventory and monitoring, which has a maximum grant of $3,500; and on-the-ground implementation, for a maximum grant of $10,000.

Some previously funded projects include invasive species education, shoreline vegetation restoration and the replacement of culverts to improve fish passage, the department said.

The Vermont Watershed Grants Program is a project of the Fish and Wildlife Department and the Department of Environmental Conservation. It was created by the Legislature and is funded by sales of Vermont conservation license plates, the department said.
