teaching adults with developmental disabilities how to fish 
By Gene Lavanchy US Source: boston25news 8/14/2024

Getting outside and being near the water are just a couple of the reasons fishing can have a therapeutic effect on many people.

A local service agency is taking it a step further and teaching clients who are developmentally delayed or have other cognitive issues how to participate in this pastime.

Boston 25 News joined a group of several dozen clients from the Edinburg Center of Bedford, MA when they were learning how to fish on Lake Cochituate in Natick.

Chris Starns runs the “Meaningful Whole Life” program at the center.

“There are a lot of therapeutic benefits we can get out of fishing club,” explained Starns. “The number one thing we get is patience, teaching patience. The idea when you come fishing, you’re not always going to get a fish.”

Getting outside is another bonus.

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