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Fishing on Saint John River

Río San Juan
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Source :Seboomook Lake
Location:Seboomook Lake
District:Saint John
Mouth :Bay of Fundy
Location:Saint John
Fish Species  
Dace, Longnose  Burbot
Dace, Finescale  Salmon, Atlantic
Fallfish  Minnow, Eastern Silvery
Minnow, Fathead  Shiner, Bridle
Pickerel, Chain  Shiner, Blacknose
Stickleback, Threespine  Shiner, Common
Alewife  Dace, Pearl
Chub, Lake  Chub, Creek
Darter, Tessellated  Bullhead, Brown
Trout, Brook  Stickleback, Brook
Whitefish, Round  
Trout, Lake  Shiner, Mimic
Stickleback, Ninespine  Sunfish, Redbreast
Eel, American  Pumpkinseed Sunfish
Smelt, Rainbow  Char, Arctic
Bass, Striped  Dace, Blacknose Western
Dace, Northern Redbelly  Shiner, Golden
Sucker, White  Whitefish, Lake
Sucker, Longnose  Whitefish, Mountain
Perch, Yellow  Sculpin, Slimy
Trout-perch  Bass, Smallmouth
Herring, Blueback  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Allagash River46.8 -69.2  Inflow  
Garden Creek45.9 -66.8  Inflow  
Jemseg River45.8 -66.1  Inflow  
Madawaska River47.6 -68.6  Inflow  
Rivière Quisibis47.3 -68.1  Inflow  
Seboomook Lake   Source  
Siegas River47.3 -68.0  Inflow  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Aroostook River46.8 -67.7  Inflow  
Deep Creek46.3 -67.5  Inflow  
Iroquois River47.6 -68.4  Inflow  
Kennebecasis River45.4 -66.0  Inflow  
Nerepis River45.4 -66.2  Inflow  
Salmon River47.2 -67.6  Inflow  
Shikatehawk Stream46.5 -67.5  Inflow  
Tobique River47.2 -67.2  Inflow  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
Dykeman Lake45.8 -66.1  1 km  
Little Tobique River47.2 -67.2  1 km  
Mamozekel Runround47.2 -67.2  1 km  
Raft Channel45.8 -66.1  1 km  
Right Hand Branch Tobique River47.2 -67.2  1 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
Forks of Tobique47.2 -67.2  1 km  
Mamozekel River47.3 -67.2  1 km  
Nictau Bogan47.2 -67.2  1 km  
River Madawaska47.6 -68.6  1 km  
Rivière Madawaska47.5 -68.5  1 km  
Last NewsDate | Source
Elite Series pros Gustafson, Gallant, part of Canadian team at Pan-Am fishing event24/09/2024   brandonsun   
Last NewsDate | Source

Last change: 2022-01-10