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Fishing on Red River

Riviere Rouge
Canada, ON
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The Rouge River is part of the Carolinian life zone that is found in Southern Ontario. After the eradication of both the Petun and the Wyandot (Huron), Senecas from New York attempted to establish/expand their fur trade activities by establishing a village named Gandechiagaiagon (recorded variously as "Gandatsekiagon", "Ganatsekwyagon", "Gandatchekiagon", or "Katabokokonk"), meaning "sand-cut" at the mouth of Rouge River. [3] According to a 1796 list by English surveyor Augustus Jones, the Mississauga name for the river was Gichi-ziibiinh (recorded as "Che-sippi"), meaning "large creek."[4] The river's name likely is French for "red river", based on the mappings by French explorer Louis Jolliet.
Source :
City:Richmond Hill
Mouth :Lake Ontario
City:West Rouge
Fish Species  
Crappie, White  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Lake Ontario43.7 -77.8  Mouth  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  

Last change: 2020-02-19