Why volunteers scoop thousands of fish out of Alberta irrigation canals each year 
By Taylor Simmons CA Source: msn 10/19/2022
Taylor Simmons
Credit: Trout Unlimited Canada
Throughout the warmer months, Alberta's irrigation networks play a crucial role in the province.
They transfer water from rivers and reservoirs, delivering it to rural communities, to farmers and to recreational areas, supporting some wildlife along the way.

But along with the water comes the fish. And in the fall, when the irrigation networks shut down, thousands of them become stranded.

"It's absolutely a recurring problem," said Lesley Peterson, a Calgary biologist with Trout Unlimited Canada.

"There's no need to divert water throughout the winter. So as the canals drain … the fish are vulnerable right now to birds and predators and just desiccation [drying out] and freezing."

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