Moment LEAD WEIGHTS are found in professional fishing duo's catch 
By James Gordon US Source: dailymail 10/1/2022
James Gordon
Two fishermen were caught cheating in a fishing tournament to make their catches seem heavier by stuffing them with weights.

Chase Cominsky from Pennsylvania and Jake Runyan from Ohio were taking part in the Lake Erie Walleye Trail Championship in Cleveland's Gordon Park in Ohio on Friday when they were caught red-handed.

Cominsky and Runyan's catch weighed almost 33lbs (15kg) - almost double their closest competitor.

Tournament director Jason Fischer then decided to gut the fish, at which point the duo's cheating was exposed.

Inside each of the fish were several lead balls, deliberately designed to add pounds to the pair's catch and thus secure the title and accompanying $5,000 prize money

Lake Erie Walleye Continue...