The burbot, Lota lota, has a circumpolar distribution, occurring naturally in rivers and lakes across the northerly regions of Europe, Asia and North America. The phylogenetic relationships of the species are still somewhat unclear, but there appear to be two major sub-species, one ranging from Europe eastward to western Canada (L. lota lota), and another in North America at somewhat lower latitudes (L. lota maculosa). Of all the cod-like fishes, it is the only species that has adopted a freshwater life history – a transition that took place somewhere in Europe between 5 and 10 million years ago. Although the species has thrived in freshwaters, it retains many of the life history characteristics of its marine relatives, such as high fecundity (100,000 to 800,000 eggs per kg female body weight, with the largest females producing up to 3 million eggs), pelagic larval stages and a need for very cold spawning temperatures.
The burbot has long been a highly prized fish in Europe and elsewhere, but it is now found only in exclusive niche markets and the kitchens of dedicated sport fishermen and -women. Burbot flesh is similar to that of cod and haddock in texture, but with a sweeter flavour reminiscent of lobster, and its liver and roe are considered delicacies in culinary circles.