‘River of fish’ making its way in desert is something you mustn’t miss 
By Nitesh Kumar Sahoo IN Source: odishatv 10/9/2022
Nitesh Kumar Sahoo
Credit: YouTube/My Little World
Since time unknown, several incidents have come to the fore that are jaw-dropping leaving everyone astonished. Anomalies can be fun and at the same time disturbing. Nature has a bucket of surprises that will leave anyone amazed. Despite being natural phenomena, several events are mind-boggling and will take a few minutes to be understood.

How about surprising events in a desert? Of course, rain is the prime source of water in a desert, which is quite rare. The desert dwellers are dependent on groundwater. Spring-fed lakes and oases are the other sources of fresh water. However, it is rare to find a river in a desert. Finding a river in a desert can also be considered normal.


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