Step-to-Step Guide to Start Your Own Profitable Fish Farming Business 
By Shruti Kandwal IN Source: krishijagran 7/11/2022
Shruti Kandwal
The type of fish you plan to grow should be your first priority when beginning a fish farm. The most popular fish farming business ideas with high returns are mentioned in this article.

Do you wish to begin a fish farming business but don’t have much knowledge? If yes don’t worry, in this article we will provide you a step-by-step guide that will help you start a profitable fish farming business.


News Id SourceStampcountry
3351Bend fly fisherman catches state, possibly world record mountain whitefish on the DeschutesKTVZ news2022-01-12CA
3352The prince and the mayor and the american fish that invaded japanmediarunsearch2022-01-16JP
3353Israeli startup unveils 3D-printed, plant-based salmon fillettimesofisrael2022-01-17IL
3354Rare fish discovered in Mississippi’s Pearl River, traveled 200 miles and over dam on its journeyMagnolia State Live2022-01-17US
3355Plastic to 'soon outweigh fish' in oceanschinadaily2022-01-19CN
3356Giant Tuna Fetches $155,000 in Tokyo’s Fish Auctionaawsat2022-01-08JP
3357‘Nothing but fish nests’: huge icefish colony found in Antarctic seatheguardian2022-01-13UK
3358Biologists Discovered Two New Species of Goby Fish in the Philippinesnatureworldnews2022-01-15PH
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3360Holy Mackerel, Where’d You Go?hakaimagazine2022-01-18US
3361A Freezer Full of Eyeballs (and Other Oddities) Animate the Quest to Save California’s Salmonppic2022-01-18US
3362Warm water leads to thousands of salmon deaths in the Sacramento RiverRedding Record2022-01-04US
336310 arrested in Florida for illegally netting 500 pounds of fishusatoday2022-01-06US
3364Charges Filed Against Electron Hydro Over River PollutionAssociated Press2022-01-11US
3365US to Close Gulf Ports to Mexican Fishing Boats for PoachingAssociated Press2022-01-12US
3366WA Supreme Court OKs Cooke Aquaculture Steelhead FarmingAssociated Press2022-01-13US
3367New Hampshire angler catches state recordFox News2022-01-23US
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3369На Курилах открыли цех по переработке рыбных отходовРыболовство.2022-01-21RU
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3374ООН провозгласила 2022 год Международным годом кустарного рыболовстваРыболовство.2022-01-12RU
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