Teen breaks record after catching 29-year-old fish 
By Allanah Sciberras AU Source: 9news 9/15/2022
Allanah Sciberras
Credit: (Nine)
A Victorian teenager is now in the history books after catching a record-breaking fish on the Mornington Peninsula last week.
Carrum teen, Ryan Gazzola caught the massive 135 kilogram tuna fish off Gunnamatta beach.
It took the 17-year-old more than four hours to reel in the catch, which he said was "unbelievable".

After getting back to land, Gazzola said he contacted Fishing Tasmania and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and was told the tagged fish was the "longest fish at liberty in Australian history".
"I was looking at it while they were cutting up the meat. I cut the tag out to have a look at it and after that it was something unbelievable," he told 9News Melbourne.
He was told the fish was first tagged off the coast of Western Australia nearly 30 years ago.

Atlantic bluefin tuna Continue...

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