Pro Angler and YouTuber Ben Milliken Says His Arrest Was a Massive Misunderstanding 
By Alice Jones Webb, Derek Horner US Source: outdoorlife 12/16/2024
Alice Jones Webb, Derek Horner
Credit: Texas Parks and Wildlife
One of the top fishing YouTubers and Bassmaster Elite angler Ben Milliken was arrested last week in Nacogdoches County, Texas, and charged with freshwater fishing tournament fraud over a 13-pound largemouth he caught in February.

Milliken, 35, of New Caney, Texas, turned himself in to law enforcement at 9:27 a.m. Thursday, according to an emailed statement from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Nacogdoches County Sheriff’s Office records indicate he was released within 30 minutes. Milliken allegedly falsified information on a submission form for the Toyota ShareLunker program Legacy Class, which recognizes anglers in the Lone Star State who catch largemouth bass that weigh at least 13 pounds between January and March each year.

Lake Naconiche Bass, Largemouth Continue...

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