SA fishers hopeful of end to snapper ban in new year 
AU Source: 9news 10/17/2022
SA fishers hopeful of end to snapper ban in new year
Credit: 9news
The South Australian government has committed to making a decision on ending the state's ban on fishing snapper by the end of the year, three years after the move was enforced.
Fishers across the state are hoping that come January they will once again be allowed to catch the fish, after the ban was implemented in 2019 due to dwindling population numbers. 

The news of the ban's end has been welcomed by local fishers, who say that it's a "very big deal for South Australia".
"I can't wait for the ban to be finished," local fisher Danny Molloy said.
"But I do support the ban.
"I think it was a good thing, numbers were getting badly down."

Australasian snapper Continue...

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