More than 25,000 lionfish harvested during FWC's 2022 challenge 
By Andrea Chu US Source: wtsp 9/16/2022
Andrea Chu
Credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

TAMPA, Fla. — They're striped, spiky and potentially harmful to our native Florida marine life.

We're talking about the lionfish. The species' negative impacts are what led the Florida Fish and Wildlife to create the Lionfish Challenge — giving divers an incentive to harvest as many of the invasive fish as possible.

And, this year, divers participating in the tournament broke records by bringing in a whopping 25,299 lionfish.

The seventh annual Lionfish Challenge ran for three months and ended on Sept. 6. Of the 707 registered participants, two were victorious.

Issac Jones won first place in the recreational division to be crowned "Lionfish King." He collected 1,018 lionfish.

Red lionfish Continue...

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