Bringing new blood into Bihars fish farming sector 
By Gurvinder Singh IN Source: thefishsite 12/25/2024
Gurvinder Singh
Tunna Mishra used to work as an area manager head in a private fertiliser company in Chandigarh, around 150 miles from Delhi, the nation’s capital.

The 49-year-old had no intention to return to Bangaon, his native village in Bihar, and was happily settled there before the Covid pandemic forced him to change his plans.

“I used to get a salary of Rs 50,000 ($597) and was staying there for nearly seven years. I was completely dejected, as I was jobless. I was sitting idle looking for work and came in contact with local fisheries officials who encouraged me to start fish farming. I started farming 3 acres in 2020 and stocked 5,000 juvenile Indian major carp: particularly rohu, mrigal and catla,” he recalls.


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