Monster cannibal fish in French rivers, but no threat to humans 
By Brian McCulloch FR Source: connexion france 8/22/2022
Brian McCulloch
Credit: Rémi Masson
Scientists studying a type of catfish colloquially known as ‘monsters of the river’ insist their disturbing eating habits are no reason to fear them.
Rhône fish was 2.7m long

The creatures, silures in French, are now an established part of French river life and pose no danger to other fish populations except when they feast on migrating species at dams and fish ladders, experts say.

Pictures of silures caught by fishermen are a regular feature of local newspapers, with specimens of 2m long and an estimated 80kg not uncommon.

The French record is for a 2.7m fish, weighing an estimated 120kg, caught in the Rhône.


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