Anglers protest the extension of the Naples Pier Sunday fishing ban 
By Paul Dolan US Source: winknews 6/12/2022
Paul Dolan
People who enjoy fishing from the Naples Pier gathered for a peaceful protest on Sunday against the extension of a fishing ban.

The anglers are concerned that soon, people won’t be allowed to fish from the pier at all and are asking city leaders to test out another day they can ban fishing.

This comes after Naples City Council decided to renew their pilot program banning fishing off the pier on Sundays for another year.

The organizer of the protest, Luciano Bianco said, “why not use Wednesday as the day for this pilot program instead of Sunday?”

Other rules they put in place are no fishing from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m., limits on the size of the hook, and the number of poles fisherman can bring.
