Now, Congressman MacArthur, who sits on the House Natural Resources Committee, and the Recreational Fishing Alliance believe the time has come to award the striper the same recognition held by the bald eagle. "New Jersey has always appreciated the importance of the striped bass, as it is our distinguished state saltwater fish," MacArthur said. "I am honored to introduce this bill to finally recognize the striped bass as our national fish and enshrine its place in our nation's cultural heritage." Congressman MacArthur's seat on the Committee places him in a key position to shepherd this legislation through the process. The initiative, if successful, will formally designate the striped bass as an official symbol of the United States. It will provide a species that fishermen and naturalists recognize as "all-American" with a status that could ensure greater respect and protection than is currently available under limited fishery management plans designed to merely maintain the stocks.