Chile’s mysterious fish death phenomenon is perplexing scientists 
CL Source: euronews 2/22/2022
Chile’s mysterious fish death phenomenon is perplexing scientists
Credit: Reuters Connect
Thousands of dead sardines and anchovies have washed up on a Chilean beach in an unexplained natural phenomenon.

The incident, which happened in the country's Biobío Region, covered the shorelines of Coliumo with a colourful array of dead marine animals.

Environmental officials are now investigating water quality in the region to determine the cause of the mysterious incident.

A clean-up operation is currently underway.

This is not an area that can be swum in,” says Ivonne Rivas, the local mayor.

“We can’t bring down earthmovers (tractors) to clear the dead fish, as is usually the case when there is a clean up of seaweed on our coast. Here we can't do it. It has to be done with workers."
