With assessment underway, Nova Scotia has quietly imposed a moratorium on fish farming 
By Paul Withers CA Source: CBC News 3/20/2023
Paul Withers
Credit: AP
Ban doesn't apply to companies looking to lease sites for shellfish, seaweed harvesting

Nova Scotia has quietly imposed a moratorium on applications for new marine fish farms until it assesses, maps and rates the coast for suitable locations.

Since the Progressive Conservative government came to power in 2021, Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Steve Craig has not issued options to lease open-net pen sites — effectively closing the door to entrants.

He said there are companies that are interested and "I've told them all that, no, I'm not allowing any of that … at this point until we get through the coastal classification system."

The ban does not apply to companies seeking options to lease sites for shellfish and seaweed harvesting.
