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Fishing on North Castor River

Canada, ON
Link |   |  FCFWY  
Source :
District:Prescott And Russell
Mouth :Castor River
Fish Species  
Shiner, Common  Chub, Creek
Killifish, Banded  
Stickleback, Brook  Sucker, White
Pumpkinseed Sunfish  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Black Creek45.3 -75.4  Inflow  
Middle Castor River45.2 -75.4  Inflow  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Castor River45.3 -75.2  Mouth  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
Black Creek45.2 -75.3  10 km  
Shaws Creek45.4 -75.4  5 km  
Silver Greek45.2 -75.4  5 km  
South Indian Creek45.4 -75.3  5 km  
Whissell Creek45.2 -75.2  10 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
East Castor River45.3 -75.3  5 km  
McKay Creek45.2 -75.3  10 km  
Moffatt Creek45.2 -75.3  10 km  
South Castor River45.2 -75.5  5 km  
Wolf Creek45.3 -75.2  10 km  

Last change: 2020-02-19