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Fishing on Black Donald Creek

Canada, ON, Renfrew
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Black Donald Creek is a small creek that is fairly remote. It flows south into Black Donald Lake through the scenic, rolling Madawaska Highlands. Portions of the creek are accessible by bush road, although there are a numbers of areas that cannot be found by vehicle.
Source :Tooeys Creek
City:Greater Madawaska
Mouth :Black Donald Lake
City:North Frontenac
Fish Species  
Shiner, Common  Chub, Creek
Trout, Brook  Sucker, White
Pumpkinseed Sunfish  
Mudminnow, Central  Dace, Redbelly Northern
Pike, Northern  Walleye
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Black Donald Lake45.2 -76.9  Mouth  
Doorley Creek45.3 -77.0  Inflow  
Malotte Creek45.3 -77.0  Inflow  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Cameron Lake45.3 -77.4  Linked  
MacPherson Lake45.3 -77.0  Linked  
Tooeys Creek45.3 -77.0  Source  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
Donovans Lake45.3 -77.1  5 km  
Eneas Creek45.4 -77.4  1 km  
Little Black Donald Creek45.2 -76.9  5 km  
Lower Twin Lake45.3 -77.0  1 km  
Tooeys Lake45.3 -77.0  1 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
Big Mair Lake45.2 -76.9  5 km  
Madawaska River45.3 -76.7  1 km  
McMaster Lake45.3 -77.0  5 km  
Norcan Lake45.2 -76.9  5 km  
Upper Twin Lake45.3 -77.0  1 km  

Last change: 2024-04-26