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Fishing on Fletcher Lake

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art of achain of lakes that for mthe south flowing Stur geonRi ver. Thi sbeautifu llake extends twelve mil es from avi gorousrapid inlet to aspectacular waterfall to the south. The lake is ap -proximat ely two and ahal fmil es wide with depths up to one hundredand twenty feet. The nor th shore offer sbreathtaking scenic view sof threehundred foot bluffs. Expa nsi ve bays and inlets offer many days of explo -ration. Weed beds, reefs, un derw ater rock pi les and swi ft currentsprovide endless supply of fishi ng structure. Tr ophy sport fish; in-cluding, WALLEYE, SMA
Elevation: 330 [m]
Source :Sturgeon River
Mouth :Sturgeon River
Fish Species  
Walleye  Pike, Northern
Bass, Smallmouth  
Muskellunge  Perch, Yellow
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Sturgeon River50.3 -94.7  Flow Throw  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
Alexander Lake50.2 -94.6  20 km  
Fourth Lake50.2 -94.7  20 km  
Snook Lake50.2 -94.7  20 km  
Umfreville Lake50.3 -94.9  10 km  
Winding River50.4 -94.7  5 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
English River49.7 -92.9  10 km  
Second Lake50.2 -94.7  20 km  
Sum Creek50.2 -94.5  20 km  
Third Lake50.2 -94.7  20 km  
Whitedog Lake50.2 -94.9  20 km  

Last change: 2020-02-19