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Fishing on Kennebec River

USA, MA, Somerset
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The name "Kennebec" comes from the Eastern Abenaki /kínipekʷ/, meaning "large body of still water, large bay"
Source :Moosehead Lake
Location:Moosehead Lake
Mouth :Atlantic Ocean
Location:Gulf of Maine
Fish Species  
Trout, Rainbow  Sturgeon, Atlantic
Dace, Longnose  Fourspine Stickleback
Burbot  Perch, Yellow
Dace, Finescale  Salmon, Atlantic
Fallfish  Shad, American
Herring, Blueback  Minnow, Fathead
Pickerel, Chain  Shiner, Blacknose
Stickleback, Threespine  Shiner, Common
Alewife  Dace, Northern Redbelly
Dace, Pearl  Sucker, Longnose
Chub, Lake  Chub, Creek
Shiner, Golden  Bullhead, Brown
Trout, Brook  Redfin Pickerel
Perch, White  Whitefish, Round
Trout, Lake  Stickleback, Ninespine
Sunfish, Redbreast  Eel, American
Pumpkinseed Sunfish  Lamprey, Sea
Smelt, Rainbow  Sculpin, Slimy
Char, Arctic  Bass, Striped
Whitefish, Lake  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Atlantic Ocean30.4 -81.4  Mouth  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
St. Johns River29.2 -81.1  1 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
NASSAU RIVER30.6 -81.6  20 km  
Last NewsDate | Source
Environmental Groups Withdraw Lawsuit Over Last Maine Salmon03/04/2023   Associated Press   
Maine dam owner to make changes to try to save salmon02/05/2022   myjournalcourier   
Last NewsDate | Source
Native Fish Returns to Maine Lake After Two-Century Absence19/05/2022   Associated Press   

Last change: 2022-05-15