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Fishing on Nottaway River

Canada, QC
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The Nottaway, together with the Broadback and Rupert Rivers, was initially considered to be dammed and developed as part of the James Bay Project.
Source :Lac Matagami
Mouth :James Bay
Location:About 17 km SW of Waskaganish
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Davoust River50.7 -78.9  Inflow  
Iroquois River50.8 -78.2  Inflow  
Kawayuyamiskupau Creek50.6 -77.9  Inflow  
Lac Matagami49.9 -77.7  Source  
Natchiowatchouan River50.1 -77.6  Inflow  
Richerville River50.9 -78.3  Inflow  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Deux Lacs River50.3 -77.6  Inflow  
James Bay54.0 -80.7  Mouth  
Kitchigama River50.0 -78.2  Inflow  
Muskiki River50.3 -77.4  Inflow  
Nestipuku Creek50.7 -77.9  Inflow  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
Lac Fabulet50.8 -78.3  5 km  
Rivière Miskwatik50.8 -78.9  5 km  
Rivière Missisicabi51.2 -79.6  5 km  
Rivière Missisicabi Est50.8 -78.9  5 km  
Ruisseau Kachikutuwanuch50.7 -78.9  5 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
Lac Grasset50.0 -78.2  5 km  
Rapides Longs50.7 -77.9  5 km  
Rivière Yapeutihkw50.7 -78.9  5 km  
Rivière Missisicabi Ouest50.8 -78.9  5 km  
Ruisseau Swaluman Kaustach50.8 -78.8  5 km  

Last change: 2020-02-19