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Fishing on Muldrew Lake

Canada, ON
Link |   |  FCFIC  
The lake basin is extremely sinuous and narrow, consisting of two main arms and a southern basin, connected by channels. In much of the lake, the littoral area is extremely narrow, typified by steeply sloping, bare bedrock, that extends quickly to depths near or below the thermocline, then levels off to a relatively flat bottom.
Elevation: 412 [m]
Source :Elboga Creek
City:Town of Gravenhurst
Mouth :Low Water Creek
Fish Species  
Bass, Smallmouth  Herring, Lake
Sucker, White  Perch, Yellow
Pumpkinseed Sunfish  Bullhead, Brown
Bass, Largemouth  Bass, Rock
Walleye  Pike, Northern
Crappie, Black  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Elboga Creek47.0 -81.7  Source  
Onaping Lake47.1 -81.5  Flow Throw  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Low Water Creek47.1 -81.7  Mouth  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
Dublin Creek47.1 -81.6  5 km  
Low Water Lake47.2 -81.7  1 km  
Opikinimika River47.3 -81.4  5 km  
Path Lake47.0 -81.7  5 km  
Shelley Creek47.2 -81.5  5 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
Dublin Lake47.1 -81.6  5 km  
Hough Creek47.0 -81.5  5 km  
Overflow Creek47.3 -81.5  5 km  
Path Creek46.9 -81.7  5 km  
Upper Path Lakes47.0 -81.7  5 km  

Last change: 2023-12-12