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Fishing on Blue River

Canada, BC, Kamloops Division Yale Land
Link |   |  JALZF  
Blue River became a pivotal point along the soon to be called ‘Yellowhead Highway” transport and trade route of the mid 1800’s. The Canadian Pacific Railway established switching tracks and a roundhouse in Blue River in 1916 providing links between Alberta and British Columbia’s coast that were invaluable for transporting goods and people from province to province.
Road Access:Highway 5 
Source :
Mouth :North Thompson River
City:Blue River
Fish Species  
Salmon, Kokanee  Trout, Dolly Varden
Trout, Rainbow  
Trout, Lake  Trout, Bull
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Eleanor Lake52.1 -119.3  Linked  
Macrae Creek52.1 -119.5  Source  
North Thompson River50.8 -120.3  Mouth  
TributaryLat/Lon | Connected  
Little Blue River59.6 -129.5  Source  
North Blue River52.2 -119.5  Source  
White River52.2 -119.3  Source  
Close ByLat/Lon |    
Cedar Creek52.1 -119.3  5 km  
Goose Creek52.1 -119.3  5 km  
Jewel Lake52.2 -119.3  1 km  
Robbins Creek50.8 -120.3  5 km  
Round Lake52.2 -119.3  5 km  
Lakes and RiversLat/Lon |    
Lanes Creek50.9 -120.3  5 km  
Peddie Creek52.1 -119.3  5 km  
Slide Lake52.2 -119.3  5 km  
Whitewater Creek52.2 -119.3  5 km  
Wilkins Creek52.1 -119.3  5 km  

Last change: 2021-04-28